Business Consultancy and Market Research
Business Consultancy and Market Research: Before entering the Vietnamese market, it is extremely important to advise the client in detail on the business environment in Vietnam and to conduct a detailed market survey.
This includes:
Consulting market exploration and market entry:
The points mentioned here serve as points of reference that need to be specified in a detailed discussion with the client.
o Preliminary market research / market intelligence:
o Current situation in the Vietnamese market: challenges and opportunities, role of online offers
o Qualitative study (interviews and desk research): Expectations of future Vietnamese customers
o Competitor analysis (concepts, offers, price structure, position in the market, reputation, assessment)
o Analysis of potential partners (concepts, offers, price structure, market position, reputation, assessment)
o Development of recommendations on possible partners (business partners, universities, training institutions)
o Investigation of the official situation in Vietnam and proposal for leading discussions (ministries, authorities, provinces, city administrations)
o Analysis and proposal of possible provinces/cities in which a business start-up can be preferred
o Clarification of questions regarding licensing and the issuing of visas
o Concept for a gradual entry into Vietnam (exploratory phase - virtual office - representative office - branch office)
o Legal aspects and suggestion of lawyers and tax advisors in Vietnam (drafting of contracts, company formation, tax situation, transfer of profits)
o If desired, the consultant can also officially appear as a representative of the client's company. This is also recommended in the present case.
o Other tasks as agreed…
Services related to the preparation for the exploratory trip and further trips of the client:
o Pre-trip via Zoom: Brief introduction to the Vietnam business environment.
o Optimal preparation for the business trip
o Identifying and contacting possible contacts
o Identifying possible networks
o Information on pitfalls in doing business with Vietnam
o Coordinating the content of the fact-finding trip: (i) organizing appointments, (ii) assisting with travel planning and hotel booking, (iii) assisting with booking transport in Vietnam
o Individual Q & A
o Additional content according to your requirements
During the client's trip(s):
o Individual accompaniment of the client to meetings and appointments in Vietnam.
o Preparation and follow-up of meetings and appointments
o 24/7 service in all business matters
o Translation and interpreting services (Vietnamese/English/German)
o Preparation of a list of recommended events and activities during the business trip
o Follow-up: addressing individual questions
o Other tasks as agreed…
For further information and a free initial consultation, please contact me in English, German or Vietnamese at: [email protected]
Mao Le
Mao Le
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32 To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi / Vietnam